Od ustanovitve leta 2016 si prizadevamo, da v mesto prinesemo nove kreativne konpcete, ki preko filmskih projekcij in delavnic posegajo v prostor ter ga s tem na novo vrednotijo. SHOTS daje možnost novodobnim filmskim avtorjem, da se v Slovenj Gradcu izrazijo, obiskovalcem pa nudi priložnost, da se z njimi povežejo in preko filmov vstopijo v bogat svet raznolikosti.
V želji po združevanju vseh generacij ob filmskem platnu, smo z ekipo v letu 2018 ustanovili festival animiranega filma ZEBRA.
Druženje in gostoljubnost, vnašanje kreativnih sprememb ter izobraževanje na področju filma so naši temeljni koncepti. S festivaloma in pestrostjo filmskega izbora vnašamo nove izzive v okolje, Slovenj Gradec pa postavljamo ob bok vsem velikim filmskih mestom.
Ever since our inception in 2016, we have been striving to bring new creative concepts to our hometown. Through film screenings and workshops, SHOTS is trying to re-evaluate the public space in Slovenj Gradec.
Our mission is to give contemporary film authors a chance to express themselves and to bring them closer to the spectators. This way they can connect and enter the wonderful realm of diversity through films.
With the wish to bring together all generations in front of the big screen, we started the ZEBRA animated film festival in 2018.
The basic pillars of our work are hospitality, companionship, creative changes and film education. Both festivals and the variety of film screenings make sure that Slovenj Gradec keeps getting confronted with new questions, while finding its place among the big film cities of the world.